Summer Makeup Artist Favorites Brush Set

Professional lip makeup

Professional eye shadow makeup

Famous Summer Aalami Blogger & Makeup Artist

Summer Aalami started her career in 2004, straight after leaving school, in London as an makeup artist.
She currently work as a full time influencer and is very known by people around the world for her makeup and has a huge influence on her fans.

Makeup By Summer Aalami

Glamour Makeup

Looking glamorous is well within reach for all of us. Glamour is a sign of confidence as a woman, that is, being outstanding, glamorous and absolutely flawless in facial appearance without any exception.

Bridal Makeup

One cannot skip the importance of perfect make-up for both the bride and bridesmaids. This will decide how beautiful, fashionably elegant and sophisticated you will look on your long awaited special day.

Essential Makeup

A woman is always on her “A” game when she feels fashionably elegant and sophisticated. Women who tend to ruminate rather than act are less likely to feel comfortable in new day to day situations.

Summer Aalami Skills In Makeup

Bridal Makeup


Prom Makeup


Glamour Makeup


Casual Makeup


parvaneh aalami

Beauty Tips:

Don’t Touch Your Face: Your hands come into contact with countless germs and oils throughout the day, and touching them to the sensitive skin on your face will only do it harm.


Use Dark Eyeshadow to Create Depth: A touch of dark eyeshadow toward the outer corners of your eyes can add incredible depth and drama with just a little effort.


Embrace Thick Eyebrows: Put down that tweezer! Thick eyebrows are all the rage these days, and they look much more natural than pencil-thin, over-plucked ones.


Un-Clump Mascara: Use the plastic comb part of an eyebrow brush to un-clump any mascara on your eyelashes.


Highlight Your Cupid’s Bow: Make your lips look plumper by highlighting your cupid’s bow and the center of your bottom lip.
